See It From Her + (SIFH+) is a project that supports women and those who feel oppressed because of their gender identity, to have a voice and be heard through photography and image.
SIFH+ is exclusively run by, and supports all women (trans and cis) non-binary and gender variant people.
The media is male dominated and we often are shown the world through the male gaze. Stories and imagery representing women are often controlled and manipulated by men. This often leads to misrepresentation and false narratives. We wanted an alternative to this, which is why SIFH+ began.
We run photography projects, 1-1 mentoring, workshops and curate exhibitions offering a creative platform for individuals to tell their own stories, share their experiences and express themselves in an accessible and visual way.
We also hosts events, conduct research and facilitate discussion around gender discrimination, misogyny, sexism, transphobia and representation.
Our main goal is for women, gender variant and non-binary people to be able to represent themselves and be in control of their own identity.
We want to see a better representation of women, non-binary and gender variant people in positions of power and our views and ideas valued as important.
We want to smash stereotypes around gender identity and challenge sexism in all it's forms.
We want to see women and oppressed genders to be able to speak openly about issues that affect them without being attacked or challenged.
We want women to feel safe and to stop being non-consensually objectified/sexualised and abused.
We want non-binary and gender variant people to not be filed into binary genders and for their identity to be understood and respected.
We want trans women to feel safe to live in the gender that they are and not be discriminated and abused because of their identity.
We want women, non-binary and gender variant people to be visible.
Through creating supportive, inclusive and compassionate spaces and using photography as tool for self-expression, the same media that often misrepresents oppressed genders, SIFH+ aims to give back power and control to the people who should are supposed to have it.
We want people to speak out about their experiences and stories safely and freely having full ownership of their identity.
‘I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I'm changing the things I cannot accept’.
Angela Davis
We want to provide women, gender variant and non-binary people with the tools and support they need to have a voice and be heard.