We want to see individuals representing themselves over different media platforms, seeing more accurate representations of culture, identity and experiences.
Our Activities:
Events and partnership work:
Directly tackling and raising awareness of gender inequality, sexism and other intersectional discrimination.
We run events, curate exhibitions and multimedia programmes to open up dialogue about identity. We aim to build networks within communities, start campaigns, create partnerships and share resources and knowledge to directly tackle gender inequality and sexism. We want to create more spaces for those who are being misrepresented to represent themselves.
One to one Mentoring:
Supporting women, gender variant and non-binary people to build resilience, find power and explore new ways to communicate, using photography and image.
Through our Bourke-White Programme individuals will receive one to one mentoring for ten weeks to support them to develop photography skills and experiment with image making. They will create projects about issues that matter most to them and explore how to use photography for communication.
Group Projects:
We deliver workshops and longer programmes for groups of individuals of a specific identity or community. Our longer group projects include one to one mentoring support for each individual to get support developing their project as well as the group workshops and creative activities.
All our group projects will specifically be led by those who experience the issues we explore.
We have worked with survivors of trafficking, survivors of rape and sexual violence, Roma women, women who are rough sleeping, trans women and non-binary people, refugee women and women from immigration detention centres.