Volunteers wanted
We are growing! SIFH+ is entirely run by volunteers which is why it is filled with such love and passion.
Would you like to join our team? We would love you too!
We are looking for:
Photography Mentors x 2
Volunteer Coordinators for The Bourke-White Programme x 2
Marketing Manager
Marketing Assistant
Communications Coordinator
Events Manager
Volunteer Events Assistant x2
Social Media Volunteers x2
Treasurer (Committee Role)
We are very open-minded in terms of experience and do not care one bit about qualifications or grades. We are also particularly interested in hearing from women and non-binary people who identify with BME groups and from poorer backgrounds as we feel charities and not-for-profits are far too often led by white middle-class people and this must change!
To find out more about these positions and to ask for an application form please email Bryony at info@seeitfromher.com
If you can't volunteer time but want to support us please do contact us if you can support us financially, donate cameras or laptops or want to come to our events (Sign up to our newsletter and mailing list here).